Sometimes, we forget where inspiration comes from. I am a Seth Godin fan. If you don’t believe me, read my blog… check out the movie I made… or consider my company: Karmaback. Yes, almost everything about Karmaback is inspired by Seth Godin’s principles. Permission Marketing is really the core of Karmaback. We’re trying to match up companies that care about their customers with customers who appreciate permission marketing. We want to leverage peoples social networks, WITH their permission, and help companies create great end user stories. And the really exciting part: Karmaback is working GREAT for a bunch of really happy companies.
Here are a few “Seth” principles we live by:
Permission Marketing? (Very much so… we give points for permission!)
Purple Cow? (We think so, although our colors are green, we are unique in several key ways)
Linchpin Commitment to Service? (our customers think so, and I work dang hard to keep it).
Meatball Sundae? (We’re different and we’re getting our word out “the right way”.)
Giving? (Yes, we frequently go above and beyond for our customers. Plus, we have some amazing free programs, and frequently give our services to others at little to no cost).
Also, At last night’s Austin Seth Godin Linchpin meetup, I met Pace from Pace is building a company to try to “change the world”. She’s got a Linchpin factory that turns people with world-changing ideas into world-chagers. It was speaking with Pace that got me re-jazzed about permission marketing.
Stay tuned for some “little tweaks” to Karmaback to get us back in line with Seth Godin’s principles. We want to be the BEST place for Permission based Marketing on the Planet.