Some people have a big vision. It is complex. It is beautiful. It is impossible. These kinds of people (myself included) need to find a focus for their energy, a single “part” of the vision that we can execute to. Here are 3 steps to finding a single focus.
1.) Consider a formal marketing plan. A formal marketing plan (such as I have described how to develop in detail), can help to focus your thoughts… specifically the sentence: “we are a x, that does x, for x, and unlike other x, we x”. Very effective (thanks Barry Raskin for teaching me!)
2.) Minimize your MVP. I’ve spoken about MVP in the past, but this time, consider, is your MVP truly minimum? Sometimes to find your focus, you have to build an MVP & discover if it really is V (Viable).
3.) Revise. Inevitably you will fail. Recognizing the failure and buliding a NEW MVP (in line with the original vision) is a must… in short: revise.
Now, get out there and build something!