Imagine a world where you work 1 hour per day, but still make $10,000 per month+. Now consider what would you do with the time? Me? I’d write, hike, teach, and spend more time with the family. So, how can we do this? Sounds nice right?
The answer may be found in this book: th 4 hour work week. I’ve just finished reading this book, and am prepping to be a judge at Moot Corp 2010, and I find myself thinking: will any
students have a business plan like this? Why not? Less work, solid income, the new rich… Reason: they would lose the business plan competition, even as they win at life. With no hockeystick and no pot of gold at the end: living this way would seem blasphemous to the entreprenurial community… At moot Corp, you would be squished for your lack of scalability, lack of investor attractiveness, and lack of vision.
I for one want to try it. Lifes too short to live in retirement. Live now, work less, and make a business plan investors scoff at, but could deliver a new rich lifestyle.
Here we go!
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