Engagement is quite the word. It means getting in touch, getting together, and the promise of a union. To Marketers, this means getting attention. In 2010, Marketers find Engagement to be their #1 priority. But what will they do with this engagement? How can we measure its effect. Show me the money!
Engineers and Scientists have striven for hundreds of years to go about measuring things. Measurement and observation are the keys to enlightenment. Modeling comes next, followed by theory, and then sometimes law. So why then do Marketers have so many theories, and so few models? Where are the measurements? The answer is troubling and disheartening. Marketing, alas, is no science, yet science shall be its salvation.
My journey into Marketing through my new company Karmaback and beyond, is leading to answers we engineer-type business folks have sought for decades. The struggle between marketing science and art WILL come to a head in our lifetimes, and maybe Karmaback will bring it there.
The $600 Billion question: does engagement lead to marriage?
E.g. can marketing lead to sales?