Redefining Intelligence

Yesterday I was lecturing to a bunch of awesome UT Students and I was asked for an example of one of ‘my’ lighthouse principles.  I said ‘fairness’, because I do believe in fairness; primarily fairness of opportunity.   When I said this fairness principle applies to ‘grading’, the students were quite happy about that!

A similar value of mine is ‘effort’.  That if people will apply enough effort they can achieve anything.

So, how does this relate to intelligence?

Well, two things, a child can be intelligent, but not given equal opportunity (fairness), and thus fall behind others… and specifically fail to learn how to effectively learn (i.e. they might be quick to learn, if they had the opportunity).  Thus when that child does poorly in school, and drops out, and stops learning new things, are they less intelligent?  Society says no… I think the answer should be ‘yes’.

Second, and opposite, a child can be considered a ‘slow learner’, but who puts in maximum effort, and learns how to learn (for them), and gains average grades in school but sticks with it.  This child learns advanced mathematics, science, history, and more… is this ‘slow learner’ still considered as not very intelligent?  Society says yes… I think the answer is no.  This child is MORE intelligent than the quick learner who (for reasons in or out of their control) does not put in enough effort to continue learning.

Here’s what this all means:  I believe that intelligence should be a measure of the knowledge that a person has gained and retained.  This is not how fast or how easy it is for that person to learn new things, because with enough effort, that can be overcome.  This is instead how MUCH that person has learned, whether by whatever amount of effort it might have taken.

The quickness of how fast someone can learn (or memorize or problem solve), is a totally separate trait, barely worthy of consideration (e.g. IQ is useless).  Thus we must not call the lazy quick learner who does not apply themselves as intelligent.  We must not accept the messed up education system that does not give the quick learner enough opportunity.   Even more so, we must not call the ‘not as quick’ learners less intelligent, instead we must give them ‘fair’ opportunity to apply effort to gain intelligence.

Python Part 2: Learn a Programming Language.. dang it!

Continuing in my series where I try to convince you to learn a programming language… let me just say that Python can be used for a large number of very useful analytical things… like analyzing sales data, analyzing survey data, and much, much more!  

Without further ado, here is Part 2, to the “Quick Python Training by Harlan” series.
Here’s the link to part 1… (prerequisite is required):

This week you will learn: Intermediate Python…   Libraries, Dictionaries, Lists, Time, and more.

You will also learn about files, paths, and such…  here we go!

  1. First, you will need to be able to run python from a command line… on a PC, click Start->run->CMD   then in a command shell, type cd c:python26  <enter>  (or the path to where you installed python), then type python.exe   (you should be at the shell).  type quit() to exit the shell.
    1. on MAC, just open the terminal, and type python, and it should work.
  2. Now, we need to learn how to make a file that python can run…   from command line type:
    1. notepad (PC)  or    on mac.. do vi  
    2. in notepad type: print “Hello!” then alt-file-save alt-file-exit.  
      1. on mac, type i  then type print “Hello!”, then press escape, then type :wq  <press enter>
    3. now, from your command line type python
      1. SEE THE OUTPUT! 🙂  you just made a python program !
  3. Okay, next let’s do some FILE INPUT OUTPUT to learn about libraries.
    1. make a file called  that looks like this:
import sys, os, glob

from optparse import OptionParser, make_option
import csv

def main():
    help = “Read the name of person and print hello persons name”
    args = “usage: %prog -n = name”
    parser = OptionParser(args)
    parser.add_option(‘–path’, ‘-n’, dest=’name’, help=’name of person’)
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    name =

    print “Hello”, name


#run this with python -n Harlan

    4.  Now, lets do some outputting to a file!   make a new file called

import sys, os, glob

from optparse import OptionParser, make_option
import csv

def print_hello_name_to_file(name):
    afile=open(“namefile.txt”, ‘wb’)
    afile.write(“Hello %s!” % name)
    return afile

def main():
    help = “Read the name of person and print hello persons name”
    args = “usage: %prog -n = name”
    parser = OptionParser(args)
    parser.add_option(‘–path’, ‘-n’, dest=’name’, help=’name of person’)
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    name =

    file = print_hello_name_to_file(name)
    print “done check the file”, file


#run this with python -n Harlan

   5. Time to play with time… try this file:

import sys, os, glob
from datetime import datetime

from optparse import OptionParser, make_option
import csv

def print_hello_name_to_file(name):
    afile=open(“namefile.txt”, ‘wb’)
    afile.write(“Hello %s! ” % name)
    afile.write(“It is now: %s” % now)
    return afile

def main():
    help = “Read the name of person and print hello persons name”
    args = “usage: %prog -n = name”
    parser = OptionParser(args)
    parser.add_option(‘–path’, ‘-n’, dest=’name’, help=’name of person’)
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    name =

    file = print_hello_name_to_file(name)
    print “done check the file”, file


#run this with python -n Harlan

   6. Okay now time for some lists!  Let’s learn these in idle!  start idle in windows start->run->idle   or mac: from terminal type: idle
      #okay, now you can type stuff into idle to go along… and learn about lists
      firstlist = [1,2,3,4]
      print firstlist
      print firstlist[0]
      print firstlist[2]
      print firstlist[4]

      #now try this
      print list2
      print list2[3]
      print list2[4]
      print list2[4][2]

  7. now then, on to dictionaries
        print dict1
        print dict1[2]
        print dict1[0]
   #and an advanced one
       dict2={‘numbers’:[1,2,3], ‘letters’:[‘a’,’b’,’c’], ‘name’:”Harlan”, 5:’Five!’}
       print dict2[5]
       print dict2[‘numbers’]
       print dict2[‘numbers’][0]

   8. finally, lets make our own library and import it!
   #in notepad make a file called:
import os
import os
def getname(afilename):
    afile = open(afilename,’r’)
    namelist = afile.readline()
    names_in_list = namelist.split(‘ ‘)
    if len(names_in_list) > 1:
    return name          

   #save this, now make a new file called
import sys, os, glob

from optparse import OptionParser, make_option
from namefromfile import getname
import csv

def main():
    #help = “Read the name of person and print hello persons name”
    #args = “usage: %prog -n = name”
    #parser = OptionParser(args)
    #parser.add_option(‘–path’, ‘-n’, dest=’name’, help=’name of person’)
    #(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    #name =

    name = getname(‘namefile.txt’)

    print “Hello”, name


  #run this with: python

9. OKAY HOMEWORK TIME!!!  This will require research… which is a MAJOR part of any programming language!!!  but you have the basics to do this!

first, create this file called “harlansdictionary.csv”, it should contain the following
Hungry,Honkin Hungry
Angry,Mad As Hell
Happy,Gleed Myself
Sad,Sobbin Myself

Now, write a program that takes any sentence, and replaces any word found in the first column, with Harlan’s version on the right.  For fun, feel free to add to the dictionary!

NOTE: you must load the dictionary fresh on each time the program runs!
HINT: you might use    import csv   (research it!)  will help a lot.
HINT2: you might use dictionaries
HINT3: you might use split() function as in today’s teaching.


Why everyone should learn a Programming Language & How to learn Python!

I think everyone should learn a programming language.  It teaches the importance of order, of ‘proper’ order.  It teaches good planning skills.  It teaches discipline.  It teaches self-learning… and IT IS PRACTICAL!    You would be surprised how often it could be helpful for you to know how to program something up real quick!

So, which language should you learn? My opinion: Python!   Specifically Python 2.6.    I will be posting here in my blog a mini-series of how to learn python.  This is part 1 of 4:  Basic Python

Python Basics  “Hello World”,  If I am Cool, “Hello World”,  Forever “Hello World”, 100 “Hello Worlds”.

This whole thing should take you no more than 30 minutes….

1.  Download and install python for your MAC or PC:  (just use the installer!)


3. Breeze through a few of these Python Training Slides.. (just go through quickly….  you only learn programming by doing… so go do #4 ASAP!)

4. Do the following code in a file for practice… and do the homework below.

print “hello world”


print a


print a


print b


print a

message=”harlan is cool”


if cool:

    print message

cool=not cool

if cool:

    print message

cool=not cool

if cool:

    print message


if cool and dancer:

    print message


if cool or dancer:

    print message

#while True:

#    print “hello world”

#for i in range(1,101):

    #print i, “hello world”

name=raw_input(“what is your name?”)

print “hello %s” % name

number=raw_input(“how old are you?”)

if int(number) < 5:

    print “you are younger than 5”

elif int(number) < 25:

    print “you are younger than 25”


    print “you are older than 25”



Due by next week… write a program that prints    ___ is an even number…

   for every number from 1 to 1000.. then asks user to put in any number

      checks if it is even, and if so.. prints  __ is an even number

       if not prints ___ is NOT an even number.

       * bonus points if you handle 0 correctly!
