3 ways to do Google A/B Testing or Multivariate testing in a Website or App

AB Testing with Google Analytics



This page details the methods by which we can use Google Analytics to perform A/B Testing such that it can help us determine if one asset or algorithm or text is better than another.
Multivariate testing can be done by running multiple A/B tests at the same time.
This document explains three methods of A/B Testing…
  1. Redirect Method (not ideal, but very easy)
  2. Javascript Method (ideal way!!!)
  3. Dynamic HTML Method (PHP/Python templates)... (less ideal as you will see).

Step 1: Google Analytics Configuration

In order to do A/B testing Google Analytics must be setup and installed on all pages of a site. In addition, you must establish 2 extra things.
a.) A Goal.
b.) An Experiment.

Setting up a Goal

Google Analytics (at http://google.com/analytics) lets you easily setup goals such as time on site, certain URL reached, or even certain Event reached.
To set up a goal, sign in to analytics and clic the ADMIN button (currently top-right of page). From here, select the site, property, and then under profile, select “Goals”.
Click “Create a Goal” and you will be guided to setup a Destination Goal (you need a destination URL, a Duration Goal, a #Pages Goal, or an Event Goal!
To do an event goal, you must setup an event on your site. Setting up an event is pretty easy, you just have to do a “push” with javascript when the goal is achieved. See:https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gajs/eventTrackerGuide
here’s some real sample code for setting up an event that’s been tested athttp://www.keyingredient.com/blog/events:
  //When person submits their URL, load this html
  _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Conversions', 'Converted', 'SigneupCCCEmail', 1]);

Setting up an Experiment

To setup an experiment you have to go to a different area than goals… Click on the website from the GA homepage, then click on CONTENT in the menu on the left. Next, click on Experiments. (this is also where you can see the RESULTS of your experiment). Next, click on “Create Experiment”.
Now you have 2 choices… either you are going to use “REDIRECT METHOD” or you are NOT… (I prefer NOT, but redirect is easier).
If you will NOT do redirects (which is better on users IMHO), then to setup the experiment…
  1. enter a fake url that does not exist.. (such as asdasdjjj.com), click Start Setup
  2. give it a descriptive name (like fake_test_hoempage_banner_experiment)
  3. now select a metric.  (THIS IS THE GOAL YOU SETUP IN THE LAST STEP!!!!)  
  4. hit next step.
  5. now enter a fake url for each variation you will use... feel free to make it descriptive if you wish.
  6. hit Next step.
  7. Select "Manually insert the code" .. you can ignore the code.. (it's for redirect method).  INSTEAD, get the EXPERIMENT_ID  (this is important for later steps).
  8.  Hit next step and then Start Experiment... (Any warnings can be ignored, the urls you gave were fake.. and that's okay. it's what you want for a 'non-redirect' method.).  NOTE: if you were doing redirect method, you wouldn't want any warnings here..

Step 2: Implementing the Experiment in Code

Before you start implementing new experiment, need to declare it’s ID in keysocial/settings/shared.py.
This operation is important. It later will allow unit-tests (they connecting to Google API) check experiments statuses. And if they are ended, tests will notify about this while failing.
# Google experiments list
    'holiday_banner': 'IK__c5dVRNqF2fDB9sZdOA',
    'experiment_description': 'EXPERIMENT_ID', <----
To use this experiment ID, you need to pass it while rendering jinja template.
import settings
context = {
    'recipe': recipe,
    'experiments': settings.GOOGLE_EXPERIMENTS,  <----
self.render_jinja(template, context)
Then use it target place i.e.
<div class="experiment" data-bind="googleExperiment: {id: '{{ experiments['experiment_description'] }}'>

Method 1: Redirect Method

If you are choosing the redirect method, then you have to do things a little differently in Google Analytics and on your site.
  1. FIRST, you MUST have 2 unique URL pages (a passed in parameter IS sufficient for uniqueness).  EXAMPLE:  http://mysite.com/home   http://mysite.com/althome  would work,  or http://mysite.com and http://mysite.com?var=1  would work....  BUT THEY MUST BE DIFFERENT< AND YOUR EXPERIMENT IS SIMPLY GOING TO RANDOMLY REDIRECT PEOPLE TO ONE PAGE VS THE OTHER (that is the redirect experiment).
  2. Next, during the Experiment Setup, you must input these 'real' urls into the URL fields for each variation..
Now, all you do is when you hit “Manually insert the code”, put the redirect code they provide there onto the page that gets loaded first (it does not go on both pages…just on the one that gets loaded first).. such ashttp://mysite.com/home (but NOT on http://mysite.com/althome).
BOTH PAGES (and this is always true of all pages), must have the normal Google Analytics Tracking codes installed…
That’s it…. your experiment will now run, pick a winner and you are done!

Method 2: Javascript Method

This is the ideal way, because it is client side, requires no redirect, and can use Google’s Multi-armed-bandit technique to decide which will automatically figure out a winner better AND remember to whom what version was showed (for consistency)
First, Setup the GA Goal and Experiment as described in Step 1.
Now, simply add the following Javascript…
Got Feedback? Email us at <a href=”mailto:help@keyingredient.com“>help@keyingredient.com</a> and let us know how we are doing!</a>
   <script src="//www.google-analytics.com/cx/api.js?experiment=WfCFFL4gS_YOUR_EXPERIMENT_ID_HERE_z2ie7J_Vqg3nw"></script>
     // 2. Choose the Variation for the Visitor
     var variation = cxApi.chooseVariation();
         // Show the HTML or Not!
        var content = document.getElementById("testhtml");
    if (variation == 1) {
        content.style.display = "none";
            } else {
        content.style.display = "block";
       variation,             // The index of the variation shown to the visitor
       'WfCFFL4gS_YOUR_EXPERIMENT_ID_HERE_z2ie7J_Vqg3nw'                // The id of the experiment the user has been exposed to
     _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'WfCFFL4gS_YOUR_EXPERIMENT_ID_HERE_z2ie7J_Vqg3nw', 'WfCFFL4gS_YOUR_EXPERIMENT_ID_HERE_z2ie7J_Vqg3nw',         'WfCFFL4gS_YOUR_EXPERIMENT_ID_HERE_z2ie7J_Vqg3nw', variation, true]);
or this way… (if you want to move things around instead:
   <script src="//www.google-analytics.com/cx/api.js?experiment=8eynxD_YOUR_EXPERIMENT_ID_HERE_JCSC2X3lOOS8IyhQ"></script>
   var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
   $j(window).bind("load", function() {
     // 2. Choose the Variation for the Visitor
     var variation = cxApi.chooseVariation();
         // Show the HTML or Not!
        var content = document.getElementById("theccclogo");
    if (variation == 1) {
        content.style.width = "400px";
        content.style.height = "295px";
            } else {
       variation,             // The index of the variation shown to the visitor
       '8eynxD_YOUR_EXPERIMENT_ID_HERE_JCSC2X3lOOS8IyhQ'                // The id of the experiment the user has been exposed to
     _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', '8eynxD_YOUR_EXPERIMENT_ID_HERE_JCSC2X3lOOS8IyhQ', '8eynxD_YOUR_EXPERIMENT_ID_HERE_JCSC2X3lOOS8IyhQ',     '8eynxD_YOUR_EXPERIMENT_ID_HERE_JCSC2X3lOOS8IyhQ', variation, true]);

Method 3: Dynamic HTML Method (PHP/Python templates)

This method is less ideal because it is more complex, and it requires that the PHP or PYTHON determine which experiment to show.. and keep consistency (via cookie or session or something).

NOTE: Sometimes these guy say you need to use the EXPERIMENT API, to set the setServingFramework to API or External.. this is NOT TRUE, and it’s a hassle to do. just use the Google analytics interface, it’s much easier… and you don’t need to set the framework to anything.. I’ve tested it to work in all methods.
So here’s my short explanation of how to do it. [PHP focused method, but PYTHON is basically the same deal, just use your preferred PYTHON templating language]
First, load the needed Experiment Javascript:
  <script src="//www.google-analytics.com/cx/api.js"></script>
Next, setup your experimentID somehow.. I did this in PHP using:
  // The Id of the experiment running on the page
  $experimentId = 'YByMKfprRCStcMvK8zh1yw';
  // The default variation chosen for the visitor
  // I DON’T SET This here, because I set it later on in the code … $chosenVariation= 0;
Then, select a way to determine which version to show.. (random? based on cookie? etc.).. I just used IP Address, because it was easy and fairly consistent…
  $ipaddr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
  $lastval = substr($ipaddr, -1);
  $lastvalmod2 = $lastval%2;
  if($lastvalmod2 === 1) {
  $chosenVariation= 0;
  } else { $chosenVariation= 1; }
A better way in Python would be to check user_ids or randomly assign a number then store that in the user’s session… (or the not logged in user’s session)
Next, you have to send this chosenVariation to GA… here’s the code to do that in PHP:
      <?php echo $chosenVariation; ?>,             // The index of the variation shown to the visitor
      '<?php echo $experimentId ?>'                 // The id of the experiment the user has been exposed    to
    _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', '<?php echo $experimentId ?>', '<?php echo $experimentId ?>', '<?php echo    $chosenVariation; ?>', <?php echo $chosenVariation; ?>, true]);
That’s it!

Step 3: Look at Results and Pick a Winner

Now, you can see the experiments and results (explained more fully here:https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2365329>


When you set the % of traffic to experiment, you are only telling google what % will see the experiment… (e.g. in the experiment they might see A or B)…
Such that if you had 2 options A/B, setting this value to 100%, means that on average A will be chosen 50% and B 50%….
If you want to set it higher, you will need to have more variations (like A,B,C,D).. even if B,C,D are actually the same variant… thus at 100% in experiment, A=25% likely, B,C,D combined to be 75% likely.
To set it lower on an A/B test.. setting the %inexperiment to 10%, would yield A at 5% of traffic and B at 5% of traffic… and ‘origional (usually A) at 90%. thus A combined would be 95%. e.g.  %inexperiment * #testvariations/(origional+variations)

SIDENOTE: For any of these numbers to work like you expect, you must select ON the option to: “Distribute traffic evenly across all variations”. Or else, google will adjust the weightings based on goal success.


This section is just misc. information from my own notes while I was testing this stuff.
HOMEPAGE EXAMPLE USING PHP: http://blog.keyingredient.comEXAMPLE USING JAVASCRIPT: http://blog.keyingredient.com/events
Here’s my full notes.. where I tried to use the Experiments API system.. (but learned that the GA Site is easier than this). This document is intended to help with understanding of the Google A/B Testing System. By: Harlan T. Beverly 8/17/13
NOTE: This section uses PHP as sample source code… however Python API and examples are also available via Google… You should READ this section anyways, because it will help understand the Python Implementation as well.
1. Understanding the Experiments API system for Google Analytics. This link explains the system in overview…https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/platform/features/experiments
And this is a link to explain the Client-Side redirect method….https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gajs/experiments
However, half-way down the above page… it talks generally about a SERVER side method, that doesn’t require a redirect (for dynamic content pages)…
This document is all about the DYNAMIC CONTENT METHOD of GOOGLE EXPERIEMENTS A/B Testing.

2. To get started (python or php), you will need a Google Account with access to the Google Analytics for the website… request this access from lucina@keyingredient.com
A goal must be setup (or provided for you). Marketing could provide this goal for you and have it set up, or else you must set up at least 1 goal for the site using analytics system… ideally this is the goal of the A/B test (such as made it to the next page, registered, etc.).
You can do this here: https://www.google.com/analytics and click on ADMIN
While you are there you will also need the Account_Id (click on account settings), the Tracking ID (like UA-322432-22) (click on View Property Settings), and the profile_id (click on view profile settings) .
3. Now decide on the experiment (like show a different “join” button, or something). https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1745154?hl=en
4. Next, you’ll need to enable Google Analytics API for an app:https://code.google.com/apis/console/
Full setup instructions are here:https://developers.google.com/analytics/solutions/articles/hello-analytics-apiBUT BE WARNED: Much of the code google posts has errors and won’t run!! (Old version numbers I think). Anyways, do the step called 1. Register a project in the Google APIs Console
If you get stuck, this might help: https://code.google.com/p/google-api-php-client/

4. You will also need the latest API files for the server to host!!! See…https://code.google.com/p/google-api-php-client/ Or for Pythonhttps://code.google.com/p/google-api-python-client/
        • WARNING make sure you set your paths right to where you install these libraries.

5. Now, you will need to setup a “ConfigureExperiments” page of some kind (possibly build a backend interface for this)… My example for this is built using PHP (see below: SetupAnalytics.php)… however, Python uses the same basic idea. (Oauth2 is required for this).
See my SetupAnalytics.php file below for showing how to do Oauth2…
For Python, you will have to look at their sample code:https://developers.google.com/analytics/solutions/articles/hello-analytics-api
GOTCHA: The oauth2 callback url must be set to your file (e.g. SetupAnalytics.php) or whatever.
NOTE: Their sample code is just a “Hello” to the api… which I’ve built on in my example to actually setup an actual experiment.

This ConfigureExperiments stuff is pretty complex at first, but basically:
         You are doing a POST to google using an oauthed user to create the experiment.
It returns an object that has the id in it (or you can print it)
  In my sample code… 
   I made 2 variations of a page… and I gave them names… and most importantly,
   I did the setServingFramework(‘API’)  to the experiment…. This is needed!
      Here’s the full definitions of the Management.experiments view: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/config/mgmt/v3/mgmtReference/management/experiments
This page tries to explain stuff.. but my code is simply easier to understand:https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/config/mgmt/v3/mgmtExperimentsGuide

a. you must have a goal setup in the google analytics b. you have to set you ga_id, ga_name, and ga_profile_id right for the goal! c. goals have funky names… it must be ga:goal1Copmletions or ga:goal2Completions etc… nothing else.
6. Okay, your experiments are setup… now it’s time to hook up the dynamic content to the experiment….
Basically you have two options… option 1: simply report to GA the version you chose….https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gajs/experiments
<script src=”//www.google-analytics.com/cx/api.js”></script>

<?php // The Id of the experiment running on the page $experimentId = ‘YByMKfprRCStcMvK8zh1yw’;
// The default variation chosen for the visitor // I DON’T SET This here, because I set it later on in the code … $chosenVariation= 0; ?>
• THEN run the google analytics script.
<script> <?php <<<HTML
   $chosenVariation,             // The index of the variation shown to the visitor
   $experimentId                 // The id of the experiment the user has been exposed to
HTML; ?> _gaq.push([‘_trackEvent’, ‘<?php echo $experimentId ?>’, ‘<?php echo $experimentId ?>’, ‘<?php echo $chosenVariation; ?>’, <?php echo $chosenVariation; ?>, true]); </script>
Or <script>
   <?php echo $chosenVariation; ?>,             // The index of the variation shown to the visitor
   '<?php echo $experimentId ?>'                 // The id of the experiment the user has been exposed to
 _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', '<?php echo $experimentId ?>', '<?php echo $experimentId ?>', '<?php echo $chosenVariation; ?>', <?php echo $chosenVariation; ?>, true]);

THIS OPTION IS NICE because you can store your choice in the user’s session/cookie too and then they don’t see different ones…. BUT it doesn’t self-optimize.
NOTE YOU MUST CALL ga again after you set Chosen Variation or else it doesn’t count page views right! _gaq.push([‘_trackEvent’, ‘<?php echo $experimentId ?>’, ‘<?php echo $experimentId ?>’, ‘<?php echo $chosenVariation; ?>’, <?php echo $chosenVariation; ?>, true]); Option 2.https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gajs/methods/gaJSApiEventTracking?csw=1#_gat.GA_EventTracker_._trackEvent&utm_campaign=eventTracking?utm_medium=blog
Let Google pick which one to show… To do this requires the user to tell you which variation to load…. (or else requires a refresh, which we are trying to avoid).
Heres some PHP to pick a variation based on IP address..
$ipaddr = $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’]; $lastval = substr($ipaddr, -1); $lastvalmod2 = $lastval%2; if($lastvalmod2 === 1) { $chosenVariation= 0; } else { $chosenVariation= 1; }
A better way in Python would be to check user_ids or randomly assign a number then store that in the user’s session… (or the not logged in user’s session)

To do this without a refresh, you’ll need to have the user load the javascript that would pick a variation and then pass that variation into the server.. (this may not be possible!). so probably best not to try this..
So either: use the redirect method OR use the method where we pick which experiment to show.
IF we do the redirect method, you could just add a hook to certain pages like ?var=1 which the PHP or Python looks at to load different content. This method may be best of all worlds, but does require a redirect. And remember to CHECK THE BOX to combine urls if you use this method.
7. Now you can see the experiments:https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2365329
• IT IS Be possible to build an analytics entry without all the fancy code, just loggin in and getting an experiment id (set the urls to 1.com 2.com , etc.) • All you really want is the Experiment ID… and the above all works correctly (no need to set the Serving Framework or do all that fancy backend authentication.
Now that you have the experiment ID and the variation IDs… you can simply proceed with setting up the experiment.
9. There is another way to do all this… using Javascript for the experiment! This way is good because it doesn’t require a refresh (javascript is doing the work) But it does require you to code up the experiment in javascript each time)https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gajs/experiments

Here’s how I did the Javascript method.
a. setup the experiment in analytics web interface with fake urls (oneki.com twoki.com etc.) * NOTE: I set the goal correctly though.. setting goals is really important this way, since you are relying on google to “chooseVariation”. b. add the following javascript and html (notice this is an example where I show or hide the “got feedback’ stuff). NOTE: I’ve added the experiment ID manually here since I am not using PHP
Got Feedback? Email us at <a href=”mailto:help@keyingredient.com“>help@keyingredient.com</a> and let us know how we are doing!</a>
<script src=”//www.google-analytics.com/cx/api.js?experiment=WfCFFL4gSz2ie7J_Vqg3nw”></script> <script>
 // 2. Choose the Variation for the Visitor
 var variation = cxApi.chooseVariation();
     // Show the HTML or Not!
    var content = document.getElementById("testhtml");
if (variation == 1) {
    content.style.display = "none";
        } else {
    content.style.display = "block";
   variation,             // The index of the variation shown to the visitor
   'WfCFFL4gSz2ie7J_Vqg3nw'                // The id of the experiment the user has been exposed to
 _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'WfCFFL4gSz2ie7J_Vqg3nw', 'WfCFFL4gSz2ie7J_Vqg3nw', 'WfCFFL4gSz2ie7J_Vqg3nw', variation, true]);

Testing experiments

For test particular variation in experiments add GET parameters to url. Pattern for url looks like this:
for example if experiment_id=jFaGW6l6Rny0tjL_lsOPeQ and we want test first variation:
After enter on above link, the variation for this experiment will be save to a cookie.
For reset the variation value enter to link looks like this:
In above case:
Implementation for this feature is in:

Facebook vs. Google. Direct Internet Marketing (Advertising)

Which is better for Advertising?  Facebook or Google?  Hell if I know!  What is better anyways?  Different… would be a better way to explain Facebook vs. Google, so here goes how I see them as different from a Direct Internet Marketing perspective.

Here is the main difference: The Targeting is Different.

  • Facebook lets you target Age/Gender/Location/Likes, and more,  because it knows “who it’s users are”.
  • Google lets you target Location and “Search Term Keywords” only.
From a direct marketer’s perspective Facebook might seem better. Marketers usually think of segmentation in terms of “demographics” and “psycho-graphics’, and with Facebook’s tools, you can really target a “market segment”.
The problem with Facebook Targeting is that you have no idea of “buying intent”.  You don’t know if they are interested or care about your offer.
For Google, you target the key words that a person is searching for AT THAT MOMENT.  There is some kind of intent implied in the act of searching.  While this doesn’t jive with Marketers view of segmentation, it certainly does have an impact on relevance to the user.
The difference in the CTR and CVR between the two platforms shows what I mean.
  • “Averages” from some of my own Facebook campaigns:   CTR: 0.025%   CVR: 0.012%  (yes a tenth of a percent)
  • “Averages” from some of my own Google Adwords campaigns:   CTR: 0.6%  CVR: 0.06%  (yes 6 tenths of a percent).
Meaning Google is between 20x better at click-through-rate, and at least 6x better at CVR.
Another big difference is the “Ad Frequency” settings of the two tools.
  • On Facebook, the ads are shown in smallish quantities until one of the ads in an ad group takes off… then the others get virtually no traffic.
  • On Google, you can SET the system to show ads evenly (when you are A/B testing, this is really really important).
So doing A/B testing on Facebook is almost impossible… (I havn’t figured out a way to do it in a statistically meaningful way).
Instead, on Facebook, I do “Survival Testing”… ads that Survive (get impressions and seem to keep working at a decent rate) go into my “good group”  and ads that do not get enough testing, stay in the testing group until I have enough data to “kill them”.   It’s a very slow and tedious process.
I’m sure there is more differences as well… what differences do you think are key?

Google+ Will Fail and Why.

Many of you know I’m in the business of Marketing; specifically social marketing.  I’ve been playing with Google+ lately and have come to several opinions about the service that I thought I’d share.  In general, I think the service will die, and die quickly.  Here are the 5 observations why I think this is so:

  1. Google+ has no cachet… it’s not really that cool to be on Google+… there is no reason to right now (as opposed to just being on Facebook).  Google tried to make some buzz with the “fake” limits on user growth, but those in the know, know that was contrived.
  2. Google + doesn’t help companies (yet).  I expect Google will get around to it, and when that happens, companies will rush to setup their pages… but soon they will realize: it’s EXPENSIVE to maintain Google+, Facebook, and Twitter: then they’ll say, gee, we’ve invested in Facebook; we’re staying.
  3. Games will kill it.  Games on Google+ are coming, and when they do, let the spam wars begin.  Google has a TON of work, trial, and error to do, to keep up with Facebook on this delicate balance of fun and non-annoyance.
  4. Google+ doesn’t “give me more” of anything over Facebook.  It’s just not superior in any way; so what’s the point?
  5. Google Adwords is too expensive; and Google+ may “dilute” prices over time for adwords (which Google WILL NOT LIKE).  Hence, the quick, fast, and early demise of Google+.  
Google.  Stick to search!  It’s making you rich!

How to recognize a BAD/Small Business Idea & MVP

Knowing a bad idea is sometimes easy… check out this hellarious site: stupidbusinessideas.com.  What do these have in common? Simple: it is obvious that people are not willing to pay for it (or the market is VERY small).  But how can an engineer-type thinker discover if his idea (which isn’t so obvious) is a Bad (small) business idea?

I will outline 2 methods, which would ideally both be used.

The First Method P.O.D.C.
PODC is a qualitative tool that helps a person analyze if the 4 key components of a Business Idea make sense
P = People
O = Opportunity
D = Deal
C = Context
If you see green lights all down the PODC list, you are good to go to the next method (or take your chances if you wish).   Here is what Green Lights should look like.
P.  The people running the business and inventing the product(s) are experts in the relevant fields and have experience having done it before.
O. The opportunity (the problem you are solving/need you are satisfying) is large enough that a small market share is all that is needed for a viable business.  E.g. a 1% market penetration would lead to a $5MM+ business.
D. The deal proposed is not too small or too big and has milestones and success markers along the way before further investment is needed.  E.G> a small amount of $ investment $ is all that is needed to get to the first milestone.
C. The context (the world view) is fresh and new, not old and boring.. and the business does NOT rely on some obscure law or quick trend.  Competition may or may not be there, but this solution seems unique and could be a long-lasting business.

Did your PODC come out green?  Now the real test: will people pay?
To test this, Engineer-thinkers need to deploy a Minimum Viable Product (MVP).  This is VERY hard for Engineer-type thinkers, who want to solve the whole thing & get it working first.  WRONG.  You need to TEST to see if people will pay first.  
Some guidance may be found here: http://venturehacks.com/articles/minimum-viable-product  and http://venturehacks.com/articles/minimum-viable-product-examples and of course http://www.startuplessonslearned.com/

Here is my quick instruction manual to make an MVP.
1.) Find someone creative who will build you a 3-page website for cheap.  ($1000)
2.) Build page 1 that gives the pitch for the new product/service.  1-button: Order Now.
3.) Build page 2 that shows the price & looks like a shopping cart.  1-button: Proceed with Order
4.) One page 3, say: “Sorry, we are currently back-ordered.  You will be emailed when new inventory is available.  Thanks for your business.”
5.) Build some ads for your business idea on Google Adwords: http://adwords.google.com/
6.) MEASURE how much it costs to bring ppl to your site… how many are interested in Order Now… and how many “Proceed with Order” after seeing the price.
7.) Adjust parts 3-6… and see if you can make MONEY with the business.

If you can sell for more than 4x the cost (where cost is product cost + shipping + marketing cost)  you are in good shape.

If not, start over with PODC and see what was wrong.

Best of luck!

Now, get some good ideas!